Day 5, August 2, 2017 - Chadron, NE to Wall, SD
Day 5 - Wednesday August 2, Chadron, NE to Wall, SD Distance: 331km, Time: 8:00hrs, Cloudy, Partly sunny and Showers and Sunny, Warm 27c to 16c Overnight: Best Western Plains, 712 Glenn st., Wall, SD This was a short day of about 300km, but there several cloud burst which made for some interesting riding. It also made for putting rain gear twice, finely just got wet as it was not worth stopping plus there was no cover. But fresh rain on grass has a very unique scent. - there were 3 wardrobe changes today. The owner of the Westerner had some road/route advice, which i did not follow or I would have been on a gravel road, I stuck to my original GPS route and came North on Long Valley and then West to Interior, SD, putting me in the middle of Badlands NP. Visited about 15% of the Badlands National Park, very busy, but will be back on Thursday to complete the loop, but starting out at 8am. Today's highlight was visiting a control/launch complex for a...