Day 3, July 31, 2017 - Coralville, IA to Lexington, NE

Day 3 - Monday July 31, 2017 Coralville, IA to Lexington, NE
Distance:  762km,  Time: 9:45hrs,
Sunny Hot 29c - 20c
Overnight: Comfort Inn,  2810 Plum CreekPkwy, Lexington, NE (****), clean

Another long day, I knew the first three days would be a slug, each was designed to get out West in the shortest period of time, so lots of KM's.

But I got an early start at 7:00am to beat the heat and the traffic of Omaha, which is horrific, with 8 lanes of road and cars and trucks everywhere plus all under construction, anyway made it through with nerves of steel.

The only remarkable place for a photo is at the Archway of the West on I-80, west of Lincoln, NE, the real name is Great Platte River Road Archway, looks like a big wooden fort, but it spans all 4 lanes of the I-80.  There is purpose to this, if you research the history of the Oregon Trail this was called the Archway to the West. 


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